My New Hall Room

My New Hall Room
Wall Clothes Hanger

This is where I am currently. New wall paintwork, wooden flooring, and furniture were installed to prepare for the very first Youth Olympic Games in 2010.

Still adapting to a new hall... just need time.

As for class today....

Playing monopoly for the first lesson of Game Design Workshop I is fun and helped my group to bond, but I'm hoping that it'll progress into something more practical and useful in future.

And there has to be a better system than having to 'bid' for the modules we'd like to have. It's stressful to do so and people miss out on lessons. We'd also have to settle for subjects we're not interested in to fill up the credit units for this semester since there are no more vacancies for highly sought after modules- like Website Design and Development (which i am awaiting the outcome of my appeal).

Wondering why can't everything be settled and finalised before school actually starts.

And my only friend from previous' semesters who was supposed to go into the same major as me had withdrawn from school =( She hasn't revealed the reason why tho'.

I'm off to a bumpy start and thinking that it could only get better.

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